Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 9 Updates

This site contains the latest Stable Release updates for JBoss Developer Studio 9.

If you do not already have a copy of JBoss Developer Studio, click here to download it free.

Latest Build:   9.1.0.GA

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  • To install Third Party Extensions & Tools, previously located on the JBoss Developer Studio Extras site, launch Red Hat Central and select the Software/Update tab.

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Red Hat Central is an update site from which a user can resolve all upstream dependencies of a Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Red Hat Central connector via a single URL. Simply launch JBoss Developer Studio, open Red Hat Central, then select the Software/Update tab to explore this site for installable connectors.

Content available from Red Hat Central has been tested by Red Hat but support of the content varies depending on content type:

    These plug-ins are hosted by Red Hat, tested by Red Hat to ensure compatibility with JBoss Developer Studio, and supported by Red Hat.
    These plug-ins are hosted by Red Hat and tested by Red Hat, but support is most likely provided by another vendor. Red Hat attempts to report issues to providers as required, should any arise.
    These plug-ins are tested by Red Hat, often with documentation describing known issues. The expectation is that these technology preview plug-ins may one day evolve sufficiently to be considered Tested or Supported, but this is not guaranteed.
    These are experimental plug-ins. It is possible that their content may change at any time and without prior notice. Red Hat provides early access to this content so that it can be evaluated + monitored, in order to execute appropriate tests + report issues to plug-in providers as required. May evolve into Technology Preview content, but this is not guaranteed.

Most content in Red Hat Central is fully released content; however, some connectors contain features which are still being developed - Alpha, Beta or incubating content - and therefore have been marked accordingly:

    Red Hat provides early access to this content so that it can be evaluated + monitored, in order to execute appropriate tests + report issues to plug-in providers as required.

Most content in Red Hat Central is hosted (redistributed) by Red Hat; however, some connectors cannot be redistributed due to license terms or other constraints, and therefore have been marked accordingly:

    These plug-ins are tested by Red Hat but, as the plug-ins are hosted by external third party providers, it is possible that content may change at any time and without prior notice. Red Hat attempts to monitor the associated third party sites and execute appropriate tests on plug-ins, reporting issues to plug-in providers as required.

Note: If you install JBoss Developer Studio updates into an existing Eclipse installation, you may need to tweak your eclipse.ini file to give Eclipse more memory than is allocated when installing JBoss Developer Studio. Please see the following tips: